Today, the first episode of the new podcast series “CERAVISION – the podcast” went online on Spotify and actuview. The series starts with a conversation between moderator Ron Hersmis and Masaaki Yoshimura, the new Chairman of the CERA Global Association, about his view on the unique skill set of CERA holders as well as insights into the contributions that actuaries can make in the evolving world.
The podcast series aims to highlight the added value of a CERA qualification, beyond the traditional field of actuaries and talk about the daily practice of risk actuaries. The brand CERAVISION is an initiative of the CERA Global Association to provide anyone interested in Enterprise Risk Management with information about CERA, new insights into risk management, scientific developments as well as practical applications. You can learn more about CERA at www.ceraglobal.org.
Go to Spotify to listen to episode 1 or find the video here on actuview.