Top content from our European partners

July 10, 2024

The final week of the European Football Championships has arrived, and we’re rooting for the finalists! However, our European nations are not just engaging in friendly competition; they are also collaborating for international knowledge exchange on actuview, benefiting everyone equally. ✨ This month, we want to highlight this year’s TOP10 most-viewed videos from our European partners. The whistle has blown for a wide range of exciting topics – let’s kick off! ⚽

  1. DAVvorOrt | Kosten in der Lebensversicherung – eine Never-Ending Story, Thorsten Keil I DAV/DGVFM/IVS Germany
  2. Durabilité, hausse des taux et inflation, quels enjeux sur l’allocation d’actifs des assureurs vie ?, Chadia Benning, Elie Meryglod, Simon Thibault I Institut des actuaires
  3. Impact prospectif de la pollution de l’air en assurances de personne., Baptiste Allaire, Pierre Valade, Yann Cueff I Institut des actuaires
  4. Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine Diskussion für Aktuarinnen und Aktuare, Anja Schmiedt, Benjamin Müller, Simon Hatzesberger I DAV/DGVFM/IVS Germany
  5. How Visualization and Computer Science (AI) Could Support Pension Funds, Ljudmila Bertschi, Mauro Triulzi I European Actuarial Academy
  6. Notional Funding: How an Imaginary Pension Fund Can Help Steer a PAYG System, Ismo Risku I European Actuarial Academy
  7. The European Actuary No 37 | Planning Ahead – Full Interview with Andriana Sukova, Andriana Sukova I Actuarial Association of Europe
  8. A Comprehensive Model for Cyber Risk based on Marked Point Processes and its Application to Insurance, Gabriela Zeller I European Actuarial Journal
  9. AI and Actuarial Work – Opportunities and Risk Management, Tom Durkin I Society of Actuaries in Ireland
  10. Impact of Global Warming on Life and Health, Christophe Heck I Lietuvos Aktuarų Draugija

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