
Update on Risk Management Topics

Update on Risk Management Topics

uploaded September 29, 2023




Speakers:Frank Schiller,Jason Wiebe,Karel Goossens,Malcolm Kemp,Martin Melchior



  • A Primer on Inflation Risk Management, Jason Wiebe, Member of the AAE Risk Management Committee 
    Jason will provide an overview of the soon to be published paper “A Primer on Inflation Risk Management.  The paper covers a variety of topics including the history of inflation, inflation risk management techniques and the universe of possible macro-economic impacts of the current inflationary environment.
  • Sustainable insurance products, Frank Schiller, AAE Board member and former chair of SCrR WG
    Frank will provide an overview of the ongoing discussion on sustainable insurance products and explore various aspects of sustainability. He will discuss both climate and environmental considerations, but also reflect on the social and governance dimensions. As the discussion on sustainable insurance products is still in its early stages, he will aim to make constructive proposals and explicitly address the open questions and topics that require further discussion and clarification.
  • IORP Risk Management: European outlook & ORA versus ORSA, Martin Melchior, Chair of the AAE Pensions Risk Management Task Force, Karel Goossens, Member of the AAE Pensions Risk Management Task Force
    A view on Risk Management in new perspective. Karel and Martin will provide insights from a recent survey on actuarial involvement in Risk Management in Institutions for Occupational Pensions (IORPs) and take a deeper look at similarities and differences between the IORP Own Risk Assessment versus the Solvency II Own Risk and Solvency Assessment. 

Moderator: Malcolm Kemp

Tags:solvency IIsustainabilityiorpesgrisk managementsolvency assessmentinflationinflation riskinstitutions for occupational retirement provisioninflation risk managementsustainable insurance product

Categories:AFIR / ERM / RISK