The European Actuary No 35 | Developing Strategies for Natural Catastrophes FULL INTERVIEW
The European Actuary No 35 | Developing Strategies for Natural Catastrophes FULL INTERVIEW
Actuarial Association of Europe
20 subscribers
uploaded September 01, 2023
Speakers:Marie Scholer
Marie Scholer, chair of the Technical Expert Network on Catastrophe Risks at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), talks about how society and insurance companies can develop strategies for natural catastrophes and how EIOPA's NatCat expert network and its new dashboard with catastrophe data from European countries can help to assess risks and possible solutions.
Tags:natcatdataemerging riskseioparisk managementclimate riskinsurabilityteathe european actuary
Categories:AFIR / ERM / RISK