Inspire Inclusion - Celebrating International Women's Day
Inspire Inclusion - Celebrating International Women's Day
Society of Actuaries in Ireland
79 subscribers
uploaded March 15, 2024
Speakers:Brian Grimes,Bríd Quigley,Emma O’Mahony,Linda O’Sullivan,Niamh Gaudin
Join us for a panel event to celebrate International Women’s Day, 2024. Panellists will be discussing the importance of inclusion, sharing their past experiences and professional journeys to showcase how inclusion impacts workplace environment; and discuss what actions we can all take to inspire inclusion. The attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions from the panellists throughout the event.
This will be a panel discussion comprising of:
- Brid Quigley, SAI President,
- Brian Grimes, SAI Chief Executive,
- Emma O’Mahony, Member of the SAI Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, Inclusion (DEAI) Committee, and Pension Risk Manager, NTMA,
- Linda O’Sullivan, Head of Social Inclusion with ‘Business in the Community, Ireland’,
- Niamh Gaudin, CRO, AXA
Tags:diversityinclusionactuarial professionalismcross practice