
Life Re Forum Innovation Series (Part 2): New Standards in Consumer Protection Regulation

Life Re Forum Innovation Series (Part 2): New Standards in Consumer Protection Regulation

uploaded April 21, 2023




Speakers:Gavin Maguire,Karen Brolly,Marie Murphy


Consumer Protection legislation is being continually enhanced across the world. In the UK the FCA have introduced its’ new Consumer Duty requirement which comes into force for new and existing products, or services that are open to sale or renewal, on 31 July 2023. In October 2022 the CBI launched a review of the Irish Consumer Protection Code. In this session we will look at the approach and main aims of these changes and what they might mean for the life insurance industry.

Speaker: Karen Brolly from Hymans Robertson and Marie Murphy from New Ireland (Chair of the SAI Consumer Protection Code Review group)

Chair: Gavin Maguire from the Life Reinsurance & Life Innovation Committee.

This webinar is Part 2 to the Life Re Forum Innovation Series. Part 1 and Part 3 can be found here:

Tags:life insurancelife reinsuranceconsumer protection legislation
