Media Diversity and Inclusion - A Look at Our Global Profession

Diversity and Inclusion - A Look at Our Global Profession

uploaded August 7, 2023 Views: 139 Comments: 3 Favorite: 1 CPD

As many business organizations look to understand, improve, and even leverage their diversity, many actuarial associations have followed suit. The IAA itself has recently clarified its view on diversity and inclusion in its updated Values Statement, and its Executive Committee has engaged a task force to advance efforts to support it.

When looking at the effort of the actuarial associations, it is not surprising to find that their focus, goals and tactics vary across the globe. Even with this variance, each organization’s efforts can inspire and instruct others. To this end, presenters from FMAs will share and discuss the following:

  1. An overview of information provided by FMAs to the IAA on their Diversity and Inclusion efforts
  2. The motivation and goals behind these actions
  3. Results achieved to-date
  4. Actions the IAA and other associations might consider Note: This is envisioned to be a panel with representation from the IAA, as well as 2 to 4 FMAs.
Content groups:  content2023



278 Days ago

Let us remember Sections within the IAA family with about 6,000 members and growing. Sections are a key driver for the Congress programme. Encouraging viewers to check out Sections on the IAA website and JOIN A SECTION and network with actuaries as well as industry experts.


278 Days ago

Let us remember Sections within the IAA family with about 6,000 members and growing. Sections are a key driver for the Congress programme. Encouraging viewers to check out Sections on the IAA website and JOIN A SECTION and network with actuaries as well as industry experts.


278 Days ago

Let us remember Sections within the IAA family with about 6,000 members and growing. Sections are a key driver for the Congress programme. Encouraging viewers to check out Sections on the IAA website and JOIN A SECTION and network with actuaries as well as industry experts.