
DGVFM 75 Year Anniversary

The German Society for Actuarial and Financial Mathematics will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2023. For this occasion, the German actuaries plan numerous events, activities, and new formats!

As a highlight of the year, DGVFM will be hosting a very interesting symposium on 22 June, followed by an anniversary celebration above the rooftops of Cologne on the top floors of KölnSKY. actuview users and German actuaries can look forward to a video series highlighting actuarial topics regarding science and practice, a historical overview of 75 years of DGVFM, and a special issue of the magazine „Kompass“ on the topic of risk literacy, and many other activities.

Celebrate with us and stay tuned for the first video here on actuview in mid-January. Have a look at the first announced videos:

Versicherungsmathematik in der Lebensrückversicherung
Jan-Philipp Schmidt, Ronald Schwärzler

Machine Learning Methoden für die Berechnung des Solvenzkapitals
Ralf Korn, Anne-Sophie Krah

Interessiert uns die Vergangenheit? – Markov-Annahmen in der Personenversicherung
Marcus Christiansen

Prämienprinzipien und Risikoausgleich im Kollektiv
Henryk Zähle

Optimisation in Insurance
Hanspeter Schmidli

Jubilee Film: „75 Jahre DGVFM – Eine Reise durch Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik“

All recordings of the 75th anniversary symposium

What You Need at the Age of 75: An Optimal Income for Life
An Chen, Alexander Kling

Wie vergleicht man Risiken?
Alfred Müller

Datenbasierte Sturmmodellierung
Prof. Dr. Anja Schmiedt, Carina Götzen

Diskriminierungsfreies Pricing in der Versicherung
Guido Bader, Annegret Weng