From February 3-6, the EAA – European Actuarial Academy GmbH will present the next edition of the annual EAA Days.
During these days, the EAA will publish 4 high-profile webcasts on trending actuarial topics with high-class speakers from all over Europe:
- Monday:
„Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling“
Daniel Bölinger
Natural Catastrophe Models are a key ingredient for the assessment of Nat Cat risk. Questions like “What losses do we expect from catastrophic events on average?” and “What losses do we need to expect in the worst case?” are becoming more and more relevant, in particular considering climate change. Natural Catastrophe Models try to answer these questions in a statistical sense, and have for many years now become an important tool for the assessment … read more - Tuesday:
„Socio-Economic Mortality Curves“
Jeroen Kerkhof
Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender per country. However, it has been documented that people’s mortality prospects differ beyond their differences in gender. Income, education, job type, etc might all have an impact on … read more - Wednesday:
„Life Biometric Assumptions: Bringing Together New & Classic Methods“
Bill Jackson
Advances in data analytics techniques, along with greater availability of data, have significantly impacted many industries. However, in insurance, these advances merely add to the technical foundations upon which the industry was built. It is only recently that modern data analytics techniques have begun to impact insurance companies, especially in the work actuaries do. The impact has been even slower to emerge in the life insurance sector where, due to the nature of … read more - Thursday:
„ESG Investing from a (Retail) Investor Point of View“
Servaas Houben
ESG investment has become mainstream for institutions over the last couple of years. Sustainability reports have grown in detail and have extended besyond qualitative goals and ambitions into quantitative reports showing measurable progress on KPIs. Despite the increase in interest in ESG matters in the public domain by consumers, reflected in climate protests and concerns, this has not yet translated in consumers becoming active EGS investors themselves … read more
The EAA – European Actuarial Academy was founded in 2005 by the actuarial associations of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands. The EAA provides permanent education on actuarial topics. In 2024, the EAA organised about 60 different trainings with a total of more than1,000 participants.
For more information about the EAA – European Actuarial Academy GmbH and all upcoming events, please visit the EAA website: www.actuarial-academy.com.