The International Congress of Actuaries 2023 in Sydney, Australia, has been the actuarial profession’s premium global event of the year. It was packed with bold plenary and concurrent sessions and and left its mark on the actuarial profession worldwide.
ICA 2023 – The full range of the actuarial profession

The extensive congress program of ICA 2023 covered all topics relevant to actuarial work and continuing education of the profession. Looking ahead and beyond the horizon was certainly included, and current trends and important developments for the industries were discussed as well as the changes in the profession itself.
As a partner of ICA 2023, we are thrilled to be able to provide you with the recordings of all sessions here on actuview!
actuview live at ICA 2023

We were thrilled to be part of the ICA in Sydney. As an exhibitor, we thoroughly enjoyed meeting ICA delegates from around the world and showcasing our services. We enjoyed educating association leaders and actuaries from all sectors about the educational opportunities and partnership benefits actuview has to offer.
And of course, we brought a little something with us: check out our event film „actuview at the ICA 2023“ to see what we’ve been up to Down Under.
In addition, we’ve been keeping all of our users updated on our trip on LinkedIn and Twitter, and in our newsletter. So if you want to see again what our highlights of the trip were and who all we met, check out our channels!
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