
DGVFM CPD Days 2022

The German Society for Insurance and Financial Mathematics (DGVFM) is a professional mathematical society of experts working in Germany in the fields of insurance, financial mathematics as well as qualitative risk management. The organization works in cooperation with the German Association of Actuaries. DGVFM promotes its goals through CPD training seminars, conferences, and the publication of scientific writings. The CPD day is a regular program of the DGVFM in which experts are invited to give talks on different actuarial and non-actuarial subjects.

The recordings of this year’s two events are available to all actuview users below.

DGVFM CPD Day on October 27, 2022

The last DGVFM CPD Day event took place in Hannover on October 27th, 2022. The main theme of this hybrid event was „Sustainable Investments“. Two speakers were invited to presentations.

  • „Managing Climate Transition Risks: Spatial Finance and Open Data Solutions,“ Dr. Felicia Liu (Oxford Sustainable Finance Group).
  • „Scenario analysis for assessing Sustainability Risks of Investments,“ Dr. Mario Hörig (Oliver Wyman).

DGVFM CPD Day of April, 2022

Another face-to-face DVFM CPD Day session with the theme „Machine Learning“ took place on the 5th of April 2022 on the MunichRe premises in Munich, Germany. The session addressed the following topics:

  • „Non-Life Insurance Pricing: Boosting Trees and Diagnostic Tools to Compare Competing Models,“ Prof. Dr. Julien Truffin (Université Libre de Bruxelle).
  • „Data and Ethics: How to Establish a Sustainable, Data-Driven Business Model in Life Insurance,“ Dr. Frank Schiller (MunichRe).