The CERA Global Association (CGA) looks forward to welcoming you to the CERA Global Risk Conference, starting on Monday 14 June.
After a strong response to the call for presentations, the CGA has pulled together an exciting and varied programme, which we hope will be of great interest to CERA holders, actuaries with an interest in ERM and other risk professionals.
The conference will be a mix of live webinars, Q&A sessions and on-demand content.
Download the full PDF with many details on the sessions.
For more information, please visit the official CERA event page.
Participation is free and easy. The event includes pre-recorded videos (uploaded from 14 June onwards), six web session (from 14 to 16 June) and a central live stream on 17 June. To access the pre-recorded sessions and the live streams on these days, login to actuview and click on the button “Join event”.
For the web sessions from 14 to 16 June, please register (or join at the corresponding day) via the following links:
- DAY 1 – 14th June
- Session 1 @ 10.00 CEST
Welcome by Nick Dumbreck
Actuaries and Operational Risk Management by Malcolm Kemp (Nematrian Limited)
REGISTER/JOIN - Session 2 @ 15.00 CEST
Sounding the alarm without sounding like an alarmist: epidemiological modelling in early days of pandemics by Prabhdeep Singh (Guardian Life)
- Session 1 @ 10.00 CEST
- DAY 2 – 15th June
- Session 3 @ 10.00 CEST
Engaging with climate related risk by Neil Cantle and Amy Nicholson (both Milliman)
REGISTER/JOIN - Session 4 @ 15.00 CEST
Vaccination Strategies for Sars-Cov-2 by Kees van Heugten, Servaas Houben and Rob Smit (Crown Actuaries)
- Session 3 @ 10.00 CEST
- DAY 3 – 16th June
- Session 5 @ 9.00 CEST
Risk Management Practices during a Pandemic by Doune Connett and Deniz Surmengen (both AIA NZ)
REGISTER/JOIN - Session 6 @ 15.00 CEST
Cyber Actuarial 101 by Justyna Pikinska and Conrad Williams (both Gallagher RE)
- Session 5 @ 9.00 CEST
- DAY 4 – 17th June
- Session @ 10.00 CEST
Fee for no service by Tim Gorst (Independent Consultant)
Deep Learning by Ronald Richman - Session @ 15.00
The evolution of cyber risk and how other insurances can benefit from the innvoations in Cyber risk assessment by Visesh Gosrani (IFOA)
Creating risk indicators by Stéphane Loisel (IFSA, Université Lyon)
Covidnomics: What a pandemic reveals about human behaviour by Neil Parkin (RGA) - Session @ 18.00
Steering Risk and Capital through International Waters by Ophelia Engelhardt-Funke (Hannover Re)
What to do (and not) when ´risk` communication sounds like ´mis` communication by Caroline Grégoire (CG 4) and Eberhard Müller (riskmueller consulting)
- Session @ 10.00 CEST
Information on CPD-Documentation
For claiming CPD for watching the pre-recorded videos provided on this page below as well as the live streams on 17 June, you can download the CPD Track Record in your user profile on actuview.
Regarding an attendance certificate for the web sessions from 14 to 16 June, please get in touch with the CGA secretariat at cera.global@actuaries.org.uk .