Media KEYNOTE | Live Session | Big Data Analytics in Motor and Health Insurance and EIOPA’s work on Digit

KEYNOTE | Live Session | Big Data Analytics in Motor and Health Insurance and EIOPA’s work on Digit

uploaded June 30, 2020 Views: 502 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

AbstractThe presentation will cover the key findings of EIOPA’s recent thematic review on the use of Big Data Analytics in motor and health insurance. It will explain how traditional types of data are increasingly combined with new data sources and the level of adoption of tools such machine learning and cloud computing in the European insurance sector. It will also analyse the different machine learning use cases across the insurance value chain. Finally, the presentation will also provide an overview of EIOPA’s ongoing work on digital ethics and on the supervision of Machine Learning algorithms.
BiographyJulian works in the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). As Senior Expert of Financial Innovation, he is responsible for assessing the impact in the European insurance sector of new technologies and business models such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, crypto assets or cloud computing. Julian has a legal and economic background and can fluently communicate in Spanish, English and French.

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